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La Force Majeure: Buried in Snow

Yesterday's joy was premature. We had to cancel today's shoot and need to file for a deadline extension.

After the great roll we had yesterday, and the relatively small number of shots left to finish today, we were literally stopped cold in our tracks, because our actor/director and our sound op were unable to come in due to the severe weather conditions we are currently experiencing.

And while our client project was met by an unlikely combination of crazy random happenstances (securing locations, missing actors and extras, and an unexpected weather front), it was a lesson for me to factor in these possibilities for future reference and projects. For filmmaking requires planning of a lot of factors into a viable schedule and that sheer amount of factors alone make it necessary to always have an alternative or spare opportunity up your sleeve in case Murphy's law kicks in with full force.

But for now, I'll ensure that I take care of the necessary paperwork and get the rest of the film done as soon as possible. I am already looking forward to the completed film.

But for now, I'll enjoy the lovely sight of snow from my desk.

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