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BECTU Student Membership

Since I am currently doing a lot of preparation for our Production module, I will make this blog entry rather short:

As of today - and as I have already contemplated in previous blog posts - I am now officially a registered student member of BECTU.

I finally decided to go through with that after a talk given by a BECTU representative a couple of weeks ago at CCAD who enumerated the benefits of being a member with them and who offered their student membership as a viable entry into the British filmmaking world, with recommended rates, (student) workshops, networking events (here it comes!), training, legal support, etc.

Thus, I decided that I should start to get my head in the game and registered. Not I do currently have the time to look deeper into matters (Production module, remember?) but I plan on filling the beast of a summer break, amongst others, with an in-depth reading of their offers to see whether I can step up my game even more.

Although their monthly membership is almost brazenly low with only 10 pounds per month, I went with the free student register to save a bit of money until I am capable of earning it myself.

Let's just say that, for the moment, I am a happy registered student member of BECTU.


BECTU (2018) Student Register [online] Image taken from: [Accessed on 22 March 2018]

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