Pitching for Live Project 2: And the winner is...!
Today was the day! We pitched our pitches for Live Project 2 and I went in first pitching my idea for Filtronic. After I had prepared a pitch for the client – and especially after the meeting with them on Wednesday – I prepared a second pitch that was more tailored to the requirements of the module and contained the appropriate explanations and pieces of information. And whilst I cannot upload the two different versions of the pitch online here due to reasons of confidentiality, I will upload them into our VLE for assessment.
However, a couple of minutes later, I was out again, and whilst the others had to take their turns, the waiting game began for me.
After Adam had pitched at last, we sat and waited for the decision on the three film ideas that would be taken. When we were finally revealed the winners, the result was a mixed bag of projects that each would create their own individual learning curve:
Poppy’s Café for Monsters
Teacher Central
Firstly, with Filtronic taken on as a project, Has’ vision of the project won the prize, challenging all on the project to film a professionally looking corporate marketing video.
Secondly, Lynley’s project of the gleeful witch Poppy and her monster café was chosen. Here, the challenge for all involved the depiction of rich, saturated colours, the successful depiction of a shape-shifter changing their appearance on screen, and a lot of production value to take care of.
Thirdly and finally, the Teacher Central project was chosen: An educational short film about the written art of storytelling, tailored to 14-16 year old students. This would pose an entirely different challenge as this meta-story about storytelling had to be carefully structured as well as tailored to the curriculum.
With these projects laid out to us, and after minor changed to the role distribution within the course, I happily ended up becoming the cinematographer for Poppy as well as an editor and additional scriptwriter for the Teacher Central project. While I did not end up on the Filtronic project after all, I was not too unhappy with the two projects I was given, even though they will require a lot of work for me both in quality and in quantity. Let’s see how I manage all three roles together (as well as the creative and technical challenges).
For now, we’ll first need to get the respective scripts finalised.
VectorStock (2019) Question Mark [online] Image taken from: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/human-face-with-question-mark-vector-1143482 [Accessed on 8 February 2019]